2.30 star(s) 6 Votes


Sep 7, 2020
I don't think it was a jump to the left there, though I can't remember the actual route; it was pretty maze-like, and I think there might have been alternate paths.
thank, I try another path and I found the rest


Active Member
Dec 12, 2020
I wanted to form my opinion through the game but it's really hard, I'm stuck at level two, does anyone know where it is, is it the jump to the left? because I can't do it
View attachment 3370152
If you're at the part that I think you are... the cave is a time wasting trap and you actually want to climb over it.


Jun 13, 2023
wish the transformations, at least some of them, were playable. unfortunately seems they all cause your run to end. I understand it somewhat, but that doesn't mean I'm not saddened by it.
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Apr 1, 2018
Can anyone help me with this :(. I kind of wanna try this game, this is literally the only game I am having this issue on. Is it an issue for being a 32 bits app?
Does the advice in this thread: help?


New Member
Jun 20, 2018
im not quite sure how to get past the medusa boss in hathor sands. everything i seem to do doesnt work


New Member
Jan 7, 2024
im not quite sure how to get past the medusa boss in hathor sands. everything i seem to do doesnt work
Jump on the platform she is on and start swinging. When her hands go all the way up an her eyes open, run to the opposite side and look away. Once her hands drop, jump back to the platform. Rinse and repeat.


New Member
Jan 7, 2024
This game is fine until you get to the platforming fall = instant death with ridiculous checkpoints. Sometimes, you fall through the map if you land at the same time as attacking. Sometimes the enemies have invincibility frames after a hit and you take damage for no reason. The most annoying enemies are definitely all of the mobs from the last level, where the basic troops take 5 and 6 hits to kill. The vampires might fly above you, causing awkward hit boxes while attempting to platform. Maids have way further reach on their attacks and force you to constantly outrange them or jump over. There is a stretch of platforming before the final boss that is hell and there are way too many witches. If you are quick enough, you can attack and jump over to skip a few, but it might lead to you dying and having to repeat the process. The final boss is super annoying, given the controls, but it isn't hard after you've seen the mechanics a few times.

I highly doubt you'll be excited by the H-scenes while you're trying to calm down after getting screwed over by the finnicky controls/platforming. You're also just going to have to take leaps of faith sometimes, as where you need to go isn't always visible on the screen. Some of the jumps are very specific as well.

Unless you're looking for a throw away platformer, I don't recommend this game. Which sucks, because I am a huge fan of pixel art, transformation, possession, and body swap. It's just not great scene-wise. I actually thought some of the scenes were somewhat funny, but it drags out sometimes and just isn't particularly inspired.
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Oct 1, 2020
There's potential here, but all in all, it's lackluster. Platforming felt janky, and the pixel art needs refinement. For a first attempt, Twalnut has the basics down, but there's so much more that could've been improved upon.


May 7, 2021
It's not a horrible little game, and platforming transformation based games are a rarity. But that final stretch to the final boss is just so annoying. Like I keep checking the DL site to see if the author put out a patch for a bug kind of annoying, because their level design wasn't to horrible until that last stretch.

I do kinda wish more of the monsters was actual transformations, but we did get a naga transformation so it's not all bad.
2.30 star(s) 6 Votes